The story of art

The Story of Art
E.H. Gombrich
The first publication: 1950

For the beginning of exploring art world, you need to build a map of art history in your head. One of many different art history books can fit for this purpose. It should be a book that contains short descriptions of every period in art history. For me, it was The Story of Art by E. Gombrich.
This book describes every period by the most recognizable features. It introduces us the most outstanding artists of each period of art history. You can understand how the art changes through the time and which causes determine these changes. It doesn’t describe everything in details but it can help to create a common model of art. And then you can develop each period or direction of art by reading specific literature or watching documentaries.

P.S. It will be better if you don’t read this book at once completely. Your brain needs some time to assimilate information. Otherwise, it will be a mess of different styles and artist in your head.


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